Be Sure To Properly Tie Down The EGT Probe Cable To Avoid Wire Fatigue At Cable To Sheath Junction

When installing EGT Thermocouple Probes, be sure to properly tie down cables.

When installing EGT Thermocouple probes, it is important to properly tie down the cable to avoid wire fatigue at the cable's sheath junction.

The most common reason for an open or shorted EGT probe circuit is not properly securing the cable with tie straps. The weak point of an EGT probe is the point where the cable enters the sheath. If the cable whips at this point due to vibration then the wires will eventually fatigue and break. The result is a shorted or open circuit which can result in incorrect EGT temperature readings at the gauge.
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Note in the photo below that there is a short strain relief loop in the cable before tie down about 6" from the point where the cable enters the probe's sheath.
Proper Tie Down of EGT Probe Cable
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